• Our Door Games

    From Marisag@GAMENET/AMIGAC to All on Sun Jun 30 18:43:53 2019
    I have a lot of Doors at AmigaCity.xyz, some are still-worth-playing games from the 90's, but most of them are by me and not found on most other BBS's. If you add some of these you will stand out! ;) The main download area is: http://synchronetbbs.org/index.php/downloads/category/3-doors and there are forums for each of the doors to discuss them in or ask for support with them. You can find the forums here: http://synchronetbbs.org/index.php/forum/doors.

    Note that all of these were developed to run on Linux, tested on Ubuntu 16.04 & 18.04, and although I only support them working with Synchronet BBS's, it should be possible for other Linux-based BBS software. Ask if you have questions or need help...

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