• src/conio/x_cio.c x_events.c x_events.h

    From Deucе@VERT to Git commit to main/sbbs/master on Sun Sep 29 14:28:58 2024
    Modified Files:
    src/conio/x_cio.c x_events.c x_events.h
    Log Message:
    Have the IC focus follow the X11 focus

    Basically, If we get a FocusOut, call XUnsetICFocus(), and if we
    get a FocusIn, call XSetICFocus(). Since we're doing this, don't
    call XSetICFocus() unconditionally at start, wait for the server
    to send us the initial FocusIn instead.

    The only bit I'm not sure of is if I got the times to ignor
    messages right... see here: https://tronche.com/gui/x/xlib/events/input-focus/normal-and-grabbed.html
    If you want to check my work.

    May fix the focus follows mouse issue reported by Cyan.

    ■ Synchronet ■ Vertrauen ■ Home of Synchronet ■ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Deucе@VERT to Git commit to main/sbbs/master on Tue Dec 31 15:06:54 2024
    Modified Files:
    src/conio/x_cio.c x_events.c x_events.h
    Log Message:
    In X11 mode, support arbitrary character entry.

    You still cannot enter a NUL.

    Holding down ALT and entering an 8-bit decimal number on the keypad
    starting with a digit from 1-9 will pass that byte to the input
    buffer as entered.

    If you prefix the decimal number with the keypad zero, you can enter
    a Unicode codepoint to be translated and sent (if it translates).

    ■ Synchronet ■ Vertrauen ■ Home of Synchronet ■ [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net