I get out as much as I can. Live near lake Erie and ride around the Presque Isle penninsula which is around 13 miles. Also belong to the 'Rails to Trails' organization.
Love to ride on the trails made where older rail lines ran. The ride is normally pretty smooth and level. Many trails are paved or limestoned so riding is effortless.
Quoting Brokenmind to Cougar428 <=-
I'm originaly from socal but i have been living in Central Pa in
dauphin county about an hr north of harrisburg I live in a valley
between two mountains and there are a ton of bike/atv trails within walking distance of my home. the appalachian trail is about 20 mins by
car from were i live. We have about 1400 people in our
burrow/township. I have lived here about 16yrs now and have not found
all the trails around here plus this was a huge mining town back in
the day with a lot of hidden stuff old train beds etc. there are a few organizations that you have to pay to ride your atv on a few of them
and others you can be on but not atv mostly for forest service. BrokenMind
Not a problem this is a vary small town and you blink and miss it but it grows on you. only thing that drives me nuts is having to travel for most things doctors and such and also that fact is that if you have a egg in my town by time you get to the next down 2 mins later it's turned into a full blown chicken. Small down drama is like no other lol. But as in visiting and travilin though and trails this area is great for it and it's stunning. when the the power goes out and you go outside you can't see your hand infront of your face and clean and air and at times you think you could reach out and touch the stars you can see them so well..I'm originaly from socal but i have been living in Central Pa in
dauphin county about an hr north of harrisburg I live in a valley
between two mountains and there are a ton of bike/atv trails within
walking distance of my home. the appalachian trail is about 20 mins
by car from were i live. We have about 1400 people in our
burrow/township. I have lived here about 16yrs now and have not
found all the trails around here plus this was a huge mining town
back in the day with a lot of hidden stuff old train beds etc. there
are a few organizations that you have to pay to ride your atv on a
few of them and others you can be on but not atv mostly for forest
service. BrokenMind
Sounds like I have a new place to visit! I like to take 3 day
weekend trips and try new trails, nothing but an 8 hour drive 8^).
Thanks for the tip!
Quoting Brokenmind to Cougar428 <=-
other lol. But as in visiting and travilin though and trails this area
is great for it and it's stunning. when the the power goes out and you
go outside you can't see your hand infront of your face and clean and
air and at times you think you could reach out and touch the stars you
can see them so well..
Quoting Brokenmind to Cougar428 <=-
other lol. But as in visiting and travilin though and trails this area is great for it and it's stunning. when the the power goes out and you go outside you can't see your hand infront of your face and clean and air and at times you think you could reach out and touch the stars you can see them so well..
Sounds like you have settled in pretty well, and I can tell you like
where you live. I also live in a rural area, I have 17 acres and
lots of room. I used to just go out on a clear evening in the
summer and lay in the grass to look at the stars. I haven't done
that in a while, but your message makes me want to give it a try
again this summer!
Thanks again!
... Cleanliness is next to impossible.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.20
Quoting Moondog to Cougar428 <=-
I live in the "sticks" in SW Michigan, and I have 5 acres of frontage surrounded by 80 acres owned by the previous owner. She sold off the house and land, but kept the farm land for renting. I'm on a side
road, so there's times I can shoot critters from the front porch
with a .22 or even take a leak off the porch without disturbing the neighbors.
Quoting Moondog to Cougar428 <=-
I live in the "sticks" in SW Michigan, and I have 5 acres of frontage surrounded by 80 acres owned by the previous owner. She sold off the house and land, but kept the farm land for renting. I'm on a side road, so there's times I can shoot critters from the front porch
with a .22 or even take a leak off the porch without disturbing the neighbors.
Wow. Taking a leak in the front yard...
Wait, you're not from Appalachia are you?
(Just kidding! Appalachians - Please don't hit me!)
... Of all 36 alternatives, running away is best.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.20
Quoting Moondog to Cougar428 <=-
Wow. Taking a leak in the front yard...
Wait, you're not from Appalachia are you?
(Just kidding! Appalachians - Please don't hit me!)
Southwest Michigan, about 60 miles due east across Lake Michigan.
Quoting Moondog to Cougar428 <=-
Wow. Taking a leak in the front yard...
Wait, you're not from Appalachia are you?
(Just kidding! Appalachians - Please don't hit me!)
Southwest Michigan, about 60 miles due east across Lake Michigan.
Hey there Moondog, you realize I was only kidding right? I realize
it can be hard to tell if someone is serious with mail messages.
But I was just kidding.
I sent you this and marked it as personal. I have been wondering if
it really is personal and only you would recieve it. I'd hate to
send someone a "personal only" message only to find it went to
everyone in the conference.
I imagine sysops could see any message. What do you think?
(Northwest, Pennsylvania)
... We now return to our regularly scheduled flame-throwing.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.20
Years ago I had co-sysopaccess on my neighbor's BBS and they could view all messages. Besides being a nice guy, my friend gave me access because we had heard from other local BBS's a minor (15y/o girl)liked to play games and talk dirty with other board members. We were concerned for her safety with regards to online predators. We had one younger member, my friend's next door neighbor wh was 16 or 17, and she had met him at a graduation party and had a crush on him. He didn't want any part of here. He said she was too crazy
And before that, when I was 12 and first starting to use BBSes, there was one local BBS that had a matchmaker door. There was a girl my age I started talking to there and we ended up exchanging phone numbers. She called our house one day and I talked to her for a minute (she did sound like a 12 year old girl) but at the time I felt a little weird about talking to an unknown girl like that and I didn't talk to her again.
Quoting Moondog to Cougar428 <=-
Years ago I had co-sysopaccess on my neighbor's BBS and they could
view all messages. Besides being a nice guy, my friend gave me access because we had heard from other local BBS's a minor (15y/o girl)liked
to play games and talk dirty with other board members. We were
concerned for her safety with regards to online predators. We had one younger member, my friend's next door neighbor wh was 16 or 17, and she had met him at a graduation party and had a crush on him. He didn't
want any part of here. He said she was too crazy
I sent you this and marked it as personal. I have been wondering if
it really is personal and only you would recieve it. I'd hate to
send someone a "personal only" message only to find it went to
everyone in the conference.
I'm not sure many people realized what was going on sometimes. When I was3
1993), there was a local BBS I was using where another user had contacted meonge
said she was a girl about my age and said "she" had wanted to meet up and do me stuff, but just a couple days later, I noticed that user's account no
existed on that BBS. I had a feeling the sysop(s) may have seen the message
perhaps that person had done some other things to make it seem they weren't
they said they were.
There was a board or two in the Louisville area circa 1989-92 where I am pretty sure the sysops had "alter-ego" accounts where they would post as women or other "crazy" people just to get attention. These "users" would also appear, disappear, and reappear like that.
Re: biking
By: Moondog to Cougar428 on Thu Feb 09 2023 12:36 pm
Years ago I had co-sysopaccess on my neighbor's BBS and they could view all messages. Besides being a nice guy, my friend gave me access becaus we had heard from other local BBS's a minor (15y/o girl)liked to play games and talk dirty with other board members. We were concerned for he safety with regards to online predators. We had one younger member, my friend's next door neighbor wh was 16 or 17, and she had met him at a graduation party and had a crush on him. He didn't want any part of her He said she was too crazy
Online safety is definitely a concern, and back when BBSes were in their hey a girl about my age and said "she" had wanted to meet up and do some stuff, e some other things to make it seem they weren't who they said they were.
And before that, when I was 12 and first starting to use BBSes, there was on o her for a minute (she did sound like a 12 year old girl) but at the time I
damn we had that one crazy guy here who was posting on dovenet. he had fucking
housands of posts on his bbs that he himself did. he used about 5 different p
ber, and tried to act more grown up than she was. She thought because she was anonymous that she could be a little flirty and raunchy. If I didn't know she was someone's little sister or cousin, I would think she was a police bait account scouting out guests to appear on "to catch a predator."
damn we had that one crazy guy here who was posting on dovenet. he had fucking thousands of posts on his bbs that he himself did. he used about 5 different personalities.
There is at least one on fidonet that posts in echoes under two different personas. People call him out on it but he claims they are not the same person.
different p
There is at least one on fidonet that posts in echoes under two different personas. People call him out on it but he claims they are not the same person.
As for the local guy, he never seemed to be doing it for any sort of harm, just for amusement, I think. He never posted in the echos like that, just on his own board.
Re: biking
By: MRO to Dumas Walker on Fri Feb 10 2023 09:29 pm
damn we had that one crazy guy here who was posting on dovenet. he had fucking thousands of posts on his bbs that he himself did. he used about 5 different personalities.
I think you're referring to "chinaman".
Re: biking
By: Dumas Walker to MRO on Sat Feb 11 2023 10:03 am
There is at least one on fidonet that posts in echoes under two different personas. People call him out on it but he claims they are not the same person.
Several years ago, I saw some messages on a FidoNet echo that a couple people thought my account was a second account of one of my users. And one of them said they thought my real name sounded like it could have been made up. One of them changed the "To" name to mine when replying to one of their messages, and when I saw that message come up in a new-scan, I wondered what was going on..
I replied and said he replied to the wrong person. :P
ber, and tried to act more grown up than she was. She thought because she was anonymous that she could be a little flirty and raunchy. If I didn't know she was someone's little sister or cousin, I would think she was a police bait account scouting out guests to appear on "to catch a predator.
Geez, she must have been pretty bad then if it was "police bait" material.
* SLMR 2.1a * Beware of programmers carrying screwdrivers.
There is at least one on fidonet that posts in echoes under two different
personas. People call him out on it but he claims they are not the same person.
Several years ago, I saw some messages on a FidoNet echo that a couple people ought my account was a second account of one of my users. And one of them sai
they thought my real name sounded like it could have been made up. One of the
changed the "To" name to mine when replying to one of their messages, and when
saw that message come up in a new-scan, I wondered what was going on.. I rep
ed and said he replied to the wrong person. :P
Each person's writing style and vocabulary is like a fingerprint; even when th
try to disguise it, that just tips them off.
Quoting Dumas Walker to Cougar428 <=-
I sent you this and marked it as personal. I have been wondering if
it really is personal and only you would recieve it. I'd hate to
send someone a "personal only" message only to find it went to
everyone in the conference.
It reached here as public. ;)
differentThere is at least one on fidonet that posts in echoes under two
personas. People call him out on it but he claims they are not the
same person.
Several years ago, I saw some messages on a FidoNet echo that a couple
people ought my account was a second account of one of my users. And
You were not the person I had in mind. :) That is a good story.
Each person's writing style and vocabulary is like a fingerprint; even when th
try to disguise it, that just tips them off.
Especially if you get them upset, or if they post as one persona while forgetting that they are logged on as the other one.
Thanks there Dumas ~ I had already kind of seen that myself as well.
Not that I was saying anything that needed to personal, just
testing. Of course I realize that pretty much anything you post or
put out there will never be private.
Quoting Mro to Cougar428 <=-
Thanks there Dumas ~ I had already kind of seen that myself as well.
Not that I was saying anything that needed to personal, just
testing. Of course I realize that pretty much anything you post or
put out there will never be private.
you can send them a personal msg via qwk
Sounds like you have settled in pretty well, and I can tell you like
where you live. I also live in a rural area, I have 17 acres and
lots of room. I used to just go out on a clear evening in the
summer and lay in the grass to look at the stars. I haven't done
that in a while, but your message makes me want to give it a try
again this summer!
Thanks again!
I live in the "sticks" in SW Michigan, and I have 5 acres of
frontage surrounded by 80 acres owned by the previous owner. She
sold off the house and land, but kept the farm land for renting.
I'm on a side road, so there's times I can shoot critters from the
front porch with a .22 or even take a leak off the porch without
disturbing the neighbors.
Wow. Taking a leak in the front yard...
Wait, you're not from Appalachia are you?
(Just kidding! Appalachians - Please don't hit me!)
Years ago I had co-sysopaccess on my neighbor's BBS and they could view all messages. Besides being a nice guy, my friend gave me access because we had heard from other local BBS's a minor (15y/o girl)liked to play games and talk dirty with other board members. We were concerned for her safety with regards to online predators. We had one younger member, my friend's next door neighbor wh was 16 or 17, and she had met him at a graduation party and had a crush on him. He didn't want any part of here. He said she was too crazy
Re: biking
By: Cougar428 to MOONDOG on Tue Feb 07 2023 10:45 pm
I live in the "sticks" in SW Michigan, and I have 5 acres of
frontage surrounded by 80 acres owned by the previous owner. She
sold off the house and land, but kept the farm land for renting.
I'm on a side road, so there's times I can shoot critters from the
front porch with a .22 or even take a leak off the porch without
disturbing the neighbors.
Wow. Taking a leak in the front yard...
Wait, you're not from Appalachia are you?
(Just kidding! Appalachians - Please don't hit me!)
Thats funny but it's so true I have a few friends not in town but out in the hway
Quoting Brokenmind to Cougar428 <=-
you get to know the people who live on each side of you. also i'm not
sure if i have said this before but small town drama. You can have a chicken egg and by the time you get to the next town it somehow turns
into a full blown chicken... :) :) :)
Quoting Brokenmind to Cougar428 <=-
I'm on a side road, so there's times I can shoot critters from the
front porch with a .22 or even take a leak off the porch without
disturbing the neighbors.
Wow. Taking a leak in the front yard...
Wait, you're not from Appalachia are you?
(Just kidding! Appalachians - Please don't hit me!)
Thats funny but it's so true I have a few friends not in town but out
in the town ship that you could shoot things right off of your porch.
I have seen deer , coyotes , bears , skunks and all sorts of wildlife
come though town and over the main state highway
Raccoon and possum visit the cat food dish at night. We moved it from the barn and put it under a porch light in a safe direction. I have a friend with an $8000 Flir thermal optic on a suppressed .22. When I pay off my mortg age that would be a cool investment. A co-worker of my brother hunts coyote behind the house during the spring, and he only has an image intensifier nigh vision device. I've seen people using a red spotlight against raccoons and coyote effectively, since the red light wavelength doesn't appear to bother them.
Quoting Brokenmind to Cougar428 <=-
you get to know the people who live on each side of you. also i'm not sure if i have said this before but small town drama. You can have a chicken egg and by the time you get to the next town it somehow turns into a full blown chicken... :) :) :)
Kind of like in the Army, the NCO would tell the first person the
orders, and when they passed it down the line - the last person
heard something completely different than intended...
... I thank my lucky stars I'm not superstitious.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.20
Quoting Brokenmind to Cougar428 <=-
I'm on a side road, so there's times I can shoot critters from the
front porch with a .22 or even take a leak off the porch without
disturbing the neighbors.
Wow. Taking a leak in the front yard...
Wait, you're not from Appalachia are you?
(Just kidding! Appalachians - Please don't hit me!)
Thats funny but it's so true I have a few friends not in town but out in the town ship that you could shoot things right off of your porch.
I have seen deer , coyotes , bears , skunks and all sorts of wildlife come though town and over the main state highway
I live on 17 acres and behind my house is a large uphill area. So I
do shoot my small arms targets right behind my house. The uphill
area is the back stop. I have taken out a few pest animals, but
wouldn't shoot anywhere other than the back. Who knows where the
bullets might end up. Tnere are occasional small black bears that
tear my suet poles down (bend the metal poles). But, I don't
normally see them. Deer as well, but I'm not a hunter.
... Error finding COLD BEER. Sysop not loaded.
___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.20
Sysop: | Benjgaminknox |
Location: | Knoxville, TN |
Users: | 2 |
Nodes: | 10 (0 / 10) |
Uptime: | 214:26:04 |
Calls: | 625 |
Messages: | 29,393 |