• Re: Deactivated my Twitte

    From paulie420@VERT/BEERS20 to Digital Man on Fri Feb 7 18:32:00 2025
    I just couldn't stand the thought that my account was somehow adding to the numbers that supported Elon Musk and own private BBS/platform. Fuck that guy. I encourage you to consider doing the same...

    Hard pass - he's doing great w0rk for the American people. Why WOULDN'T we want to audit government spending???

    That's all that's going on here - nothing more, nothing less... just think about your high school experience vs your children's - high time for big changes around here IMO.

  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to CJ on Sat Feb 8 10:14:00 2025
    I'm sure that it was better than it is today. But, I guess I'll never know because I'm not on there. And as far as Facebook is concerned...eh. I could always do what we did before 'social' media...pick up the phone and call my family and friends.

    The other day in another echo I was discussing this with someone. If I
    miss logging on to social media like FB for multiple days, I don't feel
    like I have missed anything. If I miss logging onto the BBS for a day or
    two, I do feel like I have missed something.

    * SLMR 2.1a * Shh! Be vewy qwiet! I'm hunting wuntime ewwows!
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From CJ@VERT/CJSPLACE to Dumas Walker on Sat Feb 8 13:38:21 2025
    Re: Re: Deactivated my Twitte
    By: Dumas Walker to CJ on Sat Feb 08 2025 10:14 am

    I'm sure that it was better than it is today. But, I guess I'll never know
    because I'm not on there. And as far as Facebook is concerned...eh. I
    could always do what we did before 'social' media...pick up the phone and
    call my family and friends.

    The other day in another echo I was discussing this with someone. If I miss logging on to social media like FB for multiple days, I don't feel like I have missed anything. If I miss logging onto the BBS for a day or two, I do feel like I have missed something.

    You aren't wrong there. ;)

    Chris (CJ)
    SysOp - CJ's Place BBS

    ...The world looks as if it has been left in the custody of trolls.
    � Synchronet � CJ's Place, Orange City, FL - cjsplace.thruhere.net
  • From Digital Man@VERT to paulie420 on Sat Feb 8 13:49:30 2025
    Re: Re: Deactivated my Twitte
    By: paulie420 to Digital Man on Fri Feb 07 2025 06:32 pm

    I just couldn't stand the thought that my account was somehow adding to the numbers that supported Elon Musk and own private BBS/platform. Fuck that guy. I encourage you to consider doing the same...

    Hard pass - he's doing great w0rk for the American people. Why WOULDN'T we want to audit government spending???

    Sure: appointed, vetted and confirmed experts in the fields of the relevant agencies should do that with careful thoughtful precision. Not a loud-mouthed lying xenophobic tech bro billionaire who's a demonstrated expert at using government funds to prop up his businesses, going in with a sledge hammer to agencies he knows nothing about.

    He's just Trump axe-man for now and when this shit show starts to smell bad, it's Elon that'll take the fall. The sooner the better.
    digital man (rob)

    Breaking Bad quote #48:
    I am not in danger, Skyler. I am the danger. - Walter White
    Norco, CA WX: 67.6�F, 49.0% humidity, 1 mph SE wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs
    � Synchronet � Vertrauen � Home of Synchronet � [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to DIGITAL MAN on Sun Feb 9 09:35:00 2025
    Hard pass - he's doing great w0rk for the American people. Why WOULDN'T we want to audit government spending???

    Sure: appointed, vetted and confirmed experts in the fields of the relevant agencies should do that with careful thoughtful precision. Not a loud-mouthed lying xenophobic tech bro billionaire who's a demonstrated expert at using government funds to prop up his businesses, going in with a sledge hammer to agencies he knows nothing about.

    True. I told this story in another echo but will share it here since it
    has come up. Back in the early 2000s, we had a governor's candidate that
    ran on stopping "waste, fraud, and abuse" and appointing "businesspeople"
    to run the government more efficiently. He won. Most of the people
    appointed had no clue how government works. Some waste was identified and eliminated but, for the most part, all they did was change the party that
    was wasting, frauding, and abusing the taxpayers.

    They also promised to prosecute former government officials (sound
    familiar?) but, in the end, only one was prosecuted and, IIRC, that is
    because the feds were already on to him.

    They were not tech bros (the top person over the tech departments couldn't
    log himself onto his own computer) but they were supposedly successful
    business people (debatable).

    When they left office 4 years later, after soundly losing the next election, the state was in economic shambles. It took our small state about 12-16
    years, give or take, to dig back out of the hole they left us in.

    * SLMR 2.1a * Politics n. Poly "many" + ticks "blood sucking insects"
    � Synchronet � CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Dumas Walker on Sun Feb 9 15:03:23 2025
    Re: Re: Deactivated my Twitte
    By: Dumas Walker to DIGITAL MAN on Sun Feb 09 2025 09:35 am

    ran on stopping "waste, fraud, and abuse" and appointing "businesspeople"
    to run the government more efficiently. He won. Most of the people appointed had no clue how government works. Some waste was identified and eliminated but, for the most part, all they did was change the party that

    most of the people in the government have no idea how government works.

    you can't say that there's no waste fraud or abuse in our govt.
    there's TONS. You don't have to be a genius to see most of this stuff.

    just by foreign aid alone, we are wasting tons of money and resources.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPTEST to MRO on Mon Feb 10 09:16:00 2025
    ran on stopping "waste, fraud, and abuse" and appointing "businesspeople" to run the government more efficiently. He won. Most of the people appointed had no clue how government works. Some waste was identified and eliminated but, for the most part, all they did was change the party that

    most of the people in the government have no idea how government works.

    you can't say that there's no waste fraud or abuse in our govt.
    there's TONS. You don't have to be a genius to see most of this stuff.

    If you re-read what I posted, you will see that I didn't claim there was
    none. I am sure there is.

    Administrations who come in looking for it are often looking to add their
    own versions of waste, fraud, and abuse, and they will also misidentify a
    lot of things.

    Adding your own version <> eliminating waste, fraud, and abuse.

    * SLMR 2.1a * Perhaps this situation requires a more Klingon response.
    � Synchronet � Capitol City Test System
  • From paulie420@VERT/BEERS20 to Digital Man on Fri Feb 14 12:59:00 2025
    Hard pass - he's doing great w0rk for the American people. Why WOULDN'T want to audit government spending???

    Sure: appointed, vetted and confirmed experts in the fields of the relevant agencies should do that with careful thoughtful precision. Not
    a loud-mouthed lying xenophobic tech bro billionaire who's a
    demonstrated expert at using government funds to prop up his businesses, going in with a sledge hammer to agencies he knows nothing about.

    He's just Trump axe-man for now and when this shit show starts to smell bad, it's Elon that'll take the fall. The sooner the better.

    And we love it. And we voted for it. And we're getting it - if America is wrong, quit Twitter for 4 years and vote twinkle politics back in next round. Complain and fight for the foreseeable future, tho, cause the gas is on harder than ever before - and we know exactly how to play this time.

    I think the woke, taxation, U.S. is a moneybag politics has already cemented the next 12 years - but I guess time will tell... sure is gonna be fun watching the rage quits and cry fests, tho.

  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to paulie420 on Fri Feb 14 15:11:13 2025
    Re: Re: Deactivated my Twitte
    By: paulie420 to Digital Man on Fri Feb 14 2025 12:59 pm

    He's just Trump axe-man for now and when this shit show starts to smell
    bad, it's Elon that'll take the fall. The sooner the better.

    And we love it. And we voted for it.

    Not everyone voted for it.

    Recently I've heard South Africa is considering banning all US-based companies from their country due to USAID funding being pulled, and Canada is considering making stronger ties to other countries for trade; I've even heard some tongue-in-cheek discussion about Canda possibly wanting to join the EU after being threatened with tarriffs from the US.

    I'm worried that the US will end up with a poorer economy and a weaker position in the world due to what Trump and Musk are doing.


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From paulie420@VERT/BEERS20 to Nightfox on Fri Feb 14 17:12:00 2025
    And we love it. And we voted for it.

    Not everyone voted for it.

    Understood. We live in Oregon, where the majority of folks here didn't vote Trump... but the majority did. Areas with these hot pockets of left leaning communities; Oregon, New York, Chicago, etc - are going to press back against this POTUS, only to appeal and get every single thing through... the majority voted for change and its coming.

    Stinks, too - as I normally lean left; they just went super-mega-woke and lost the 55%.

    Recently I've heard South Africa is considering banning all US-based companies from their country due to USAID funding being pulled, and
    Canada is considering making stronger ties to other countries for trade; I've even heard some tongue-in-cheek discussion about Canda possibly wanting to join the EU after being threatened with tarriffs from the US.

    And maybe they should. Those are bold statements from weak(er) positions - what will more likely happen is that they'll have to make hard decisions to NOT lean on the U.S. as their purses... the citizens here have had it.

    I'm worried that the US will end up with a poorer economy and a weaker position in the world due to what Trump and Musk are doing.

    I understand - and I'm on the other side thinking that these changes will benefit us in a shorter time than Trump will be here... if so, I think the left messed up because it'll be 12 years of this change rather than the norms of the past.

    My point is that if EVERYONE would have settled down on the 5% of crazyness, we wouldn't be in this position - but they didn't. They pressed that lunacy just a little too far, and the iceberg goes over.

    I still think we can come together - but this not compromising, not admitting that the divide is killing us is just going to keep this going. Lets come back to the dinner table - no time for whining about what can be, unburdened by what has been... :P

  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to paulie420 on Fri Feb 14 18:17:03 2025
    Re: Re: Deactivated my Twitte
    By: paulie420 to Nightfox on Fri Feb 14 2025 05:12 pm

    Not everyone voted for it.

    Understood. We live in Oregon, where the majority of folks here didn't vote Trump... but the majority did. Areas with these hot pockets of left leaning communities; Oregon, New York, Chicago, etc - are going to press back against this POTUS, only to appeal and get every single thing through... the majority voted for change and its coming.

    I didn't vote left either. I went with one of the 3rd-party candidates. I know people say it's basically wasting your vote, but I felt like both options weren't that great. The 2-party system we have kinda sucks, and if we want it to change, the change has to start somewhere.

    I still think we can come together - but this not compromising, not admitting that the divide is killing us is just going to keep this going. Lets come back to the dinner table - no time for whining about what can be, unburdened by what has been... :P

    Yeah, I definitely think the US is very divided and has been for quite a while now. It would be nice to have a country where more people agree than disagree.


    � Synchronet � Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANTIR to MRO on Fri Feb 14 21:01:33 2025
    Re: Re: Deactivated my Twitte
    By: MRO to Dumas Walker on Sun Feb 09 2025 03:03 pm

    just by foreign aid alone, we are wasting tons of money and resources.

    A Spanish journalist was complaining a couple of weeks ago that lots of South American news outlets were going to sack people because they could not pay the employees. The reason was that the US federal cuts to a number of non-profits meant those non-profits would have to cease funding South American news outlets.

    In case you need this to be explained more clear, the journalist was complaining because the USA was paying South American journalist to say the USA is a fascist colonialist nation that sucks, the new administration was closing the tap, and without those funds thouse journalists could not function.

    If anybody thinks this is normal then I want God to float down from Heaven and watch it up close.


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From paulie420@VERT/BEERS20 to Arelor on Sat Feb 15 12:34:00 2025
    A Spanish journalist was complaining a couple of weeks ago that lots of South American news outlets were going to sack people because they could not pay the employees. The reason was that the US federal cuts to a
    number of non-profits meant those non-profits would have to cease
    funding South American news outlets.

    In case you need this to be explained more clear, the journalist was complaining because the USA was paying South American journalist to say the USA is a fascist colonialist nation that sucks, the new
    administration was closing the tap, and without those funds thouse journalists could not function.

    And thank gosh this is gonna stop... how insane is it that OUR tax dollars go hard on BOTH sides to create the division that we've been living with - its insanity. There is no 'cult', on either side - just the old media trying so hard to hold on to the BS w/ OUR F*(#ING MONEY.
