• ARRL 2023 Annual Report Now Available

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Wed Nov 27 21:16:25 2024

    ARRL[1]��The National Association for Amateur Radio� has published its 2023 Annual Report[2], which includes a summary of the year's program activities, along with the 2023 and 2022 financial statements and an independent auditor's report.

    ARRL marked 2023 as the Year of the Volunteers, recognizing the nearly 57,000 volunteers who contribute to supporting the organization and the wider amateur radio community. "The future of amateur radio rests on the shoulders of volunteers, and every one of us can be a volunteer," said ARRL President Rick Roderick, K5UR, in his message in the annual report. The report highlights the involvement of volunteers across program areas, including ARRL Volunteer Examiners and Amateur Radio Emergency Service� (ARES�) volunteers.

    "It seems right for an organization like ours, which is fueled by volunteers, to take a moment to recognize the countless individuals who share their time, talent, and treasure with ARRL to advance the hobby we all love," said ARRL Chief Executive Officer David A. Minster, NA2AA, in his included report. Minster also noted the celebration of the ARRL Foundation's 50 years in 2023. Its work has benefited the charitable, educational and scientific efforts of the amateur radio community. Minster recognized the generous contributions from Amateur Radio Digital Communications (ARDC), which renewed commitments amounting to more than $2.1 million to support club grants, education programs, and scholarships. "This represents the largest single commitment ever for our organizations," said Minster.

    Also included in the annual report is ARRL's Report to America, which references the involvement of amateur radio operators during natural disasters that occurred in 2023, in addition to formal partnership agreements with served agencies including the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). In May 2023, ARRL entered into an updated Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with FEMA, to enhance cooperation between ARES� and FEMA in providing disaster communications -- When All Else Fails�.

    The ARRL 2023 Annual Report is available for download at www.arrl.org/annual-reports[3].

    Founded in 1914 as The American Radio Relay League, ARRL is a noncommercial organization that numbers within its ranks the vast majority of active radio amateurs (or "hams") in the United States. ARRL's mission is to promote and protect the art, science, and enjoyment of amateur radio, and to develop the next generation of radio amateurs. For more information about ARRL and amateur radio, visit www.arrl.org[4].

    [1] https://www.arrl.org/
    [2] https://www.arrl.org/files/file/About%20ARRL/Annual%20Reports/AMERICAN20RELAY20INC__FINAL20AUDIT_2023.pdf
    [3] https://www.arrl.org/annual-reports
    [4] http://www.arrl.org/

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