• Proposals Sought to Host 2026 World Radiosport Team Championship -- WRTC

    From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Fri Jan 20 20:08:54 2023

    The World Radiosport Team Championship Sanctioning Committee (WRTC-SC) is accepting proposals for hosting the 2026 WRTC event. The World Radiosport Team Championship [1]is an on-site amateur radio competition, usually held every 4 years.

    Previous WRTCs have been held in Seattle, San Francisco, Slovenia, Finland, Brazil, Russia, Boston, and Germany. WRTC 2022, delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic, is scheduled to be held in Bologna, Italy, in July 2023.

    Teams of two operators representing a geographical region of the world come to the host site to compete using similar antennas and locations, overseen by on-site referees. The WRTC competition has typically been held as a contest-within-a-contest coincident with the IARU HF World Championship to capitalize on the high activity of a popular world-wide operating event.

    Groups interested in hosting WRTC 2026 should submit a Letter of Intent, with a summary proposal no later than March 31, 2023, to the Chairman of the WRTC Sanctioning Committee, Tine Brajnik, S50A, via email to tine.brajnik@gmail.com[2].

    [1] https://wrtc.info/
    [2] mailto:tine.brajnik@gmail.com

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