• Re: Mental health disabli

    From Shitty@VERT/ALCO to Matthew Munson on Thu Nov 7 10:12:00 2024
    I think people with unchecked schizofrenia should be required to go on medical treatment, if they have a criminal record.

    You're a good person for having that concern. I appreciate how you spend time evaluating such things. You also deserve credit for being the first politician (in a long time) to show any desire to help people with such issues.

    What good would it do though? How effective is the treatment for schizofrenia? There are some behavioral health conditions that are resistant to treatment (not sure if schizofrenia is one of them.)

    If the condition is likely to have led to the criminal activities, and if there's an effective treatment, then such a mandate seems like it would be
    beneficial to the patient and to others.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/02/26 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: alcoholidaybbs.com / Est. 1995 / Columbia, SC
  • From Matthew Munson@VERT/IUTOPIA to SHITTY on Mon Nov 11 14:38:00 2024
    You're a good person for having that concern. I appreciate how you spend time evaluating such things. You also deserve credit for being the first politician (in a long time) to show any desire to help people with such issues.
    I used to work as an office worker at a mental health clinic.

    What good would it do though? How effective is the treatment for schizofrenia? There are some behavioral health conditions that are resistant to treatment (not sure if schizofrenia is one of them.)
    I want them functional so they don't be a harm to themselves or others.
    But it would take learning from psychologists and other leaders.

    � wcQWK 8.0 � Inland Utopia * iutopia.duckdns.org:2323
  • From Shitty@VERT/ALCO to Matthew Munson on Sat Nov 30 01:55:00 2024
    What good would it do though? How effective is the treatment for schizofrenia? There are some behavioral health conditions that are resi to treatment (not sure if schizofrenia is one of them.)
    I want them functional so they don't be a harm to themselves or others. But it would take learning from psychologists and other leaders.

    I appreciate your concern for schizophrenia sufferers, but how can you put psychologists in the "leaders" category? They're assholes, and they're a medicaid scam. I get it that they have authority whereas they have listened to more schizophrenics than anyone else.

    Please understand that psychologists is a blanket term that covers a few professionals but also covers a lot of idiots who don't care, don't get paid enough to care, and probably didn't get very good grades in psychology school.

    You have something that psychologists don't have; an extrinsic motive. I'm with you on I don't want schizophrenics hurting themselves or others. But we should look at where they're coming from more than we should listen to where the "experts" are coming from.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/02/26 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: alcoholidaybbs.com / Est. 1995 / Columbia, SC
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to All on Sat Nov 30 03:49:20 2024
    Re: Re: Mental health disabli
    By: Shitty to Matthew Munson on Sat Nov 30 2024 01:55 am

    I appreciate your concern for schizophrenia sufferers, but how can you put psychologists in the "leaders" category? They're assholes, and they're a medicaid scam. I get it that they have authority whereas they have listened to more schizophrenics than anyone else.

    Please understand that psychologists is a blanket term that covers a few professionals but also covers a lot of idiots who don't care, don't get paid enough to care, and probably didn't get very good grades in psychology school.

    yeah psychologists and psychatrists don't even want to do their jobs anymore. they have trouble making money apparently. mental health is a very low priority in the usa. meanwhile there are more and more mentally ill people.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Arelor@VERT/PALANTIR to MRO on Sat Nov 30 13:52:54 2024
    Re: Re: Mental health disabli
    By: MRO to All on Sat Nov 30 2024 03:49 am

    yeah psychologists and psychatrists don't even want to do their jobs anymore. they have trouble making money apparently. mental health is a very low priority in the usa. meanwhile there are more and more mentally ill people.

    There is a bit of everything, and I can count at least some psychiatrists who care. For now.

    The real problem is that psychiatric patients are a lot of effort to deal with, oftentimes nobody cares enough about them (including themselves), so only the new batches of psychiatrists are motivated and enthusiastic. They get burnt quickly because at some point half of what they do is sedate people so security can take them away.

    None of this inspires confidence because it seems the only psychiatrists who want to do something end up being the inexperienced ones.


    � Synchronet � Palantir BBS * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Arelor on Sat Nov 30 16:44:11 2024
    Re: Re: Mental health disabli
    By: Arelor to MRO on Sat Nov 30 2024 01:52 pm

    There is a bit of everything, and I can count at least some psychiatrists who care. For now.

    The real problem is that psychiatric patients are a lot of effort to deal with, oftentimes nobody cares enough about them (including themselves), so only the new batches of psychiatrists are motivated and enthusiastic. They get burnt quickly because at some point half of what they do is sedate

    well i think over here low income people have state medical care and in many of those cases it's hell for mental health professionals to get paid from these agencies. everyone's got to get paid, so they lose doctors.
    � Synchronet � ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Matthew Munson@VERT/IUTOPIA to SHITTY on Sat Dec 7 21:39:00 2024
    I appreciate your concern for schizophrenia sufferers, but how can you put psychologists in the "leaders" category? They're assholes, and they're a medicaid scam. I get it that they have authority whereas they have listened to more schizophrenics than anyone else.

    I want them rewarded when they do the right thing.

    � wcQWK 8.0 � Inland Utopia * iutopia.duckdns.org:2323